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Golden Apple Employee of the Month - August

During the months of July and August 2020, this employee went above and beyond the
call of duty to serve here at South Pike High School. I saw Mr. Varnado work tirelessly
to prepare for the start of school during the midst of this great change with COVID-19.
Even this month, the Mississippi Department of Education came to visit and review the
records of our outgoing Seniors and left with the statement, “Whoever is doing your
records, tell them to keep doing what they’re doing because they looked good!” We
weren’t worried because he works day in and day out on records, practicing and
coaching football, traveling back and forth to games, driving buses, preparing for
A.C.T. testing, meeting with parents, registering students after having to learn on the
new online system, just to name a few.
I know this doesn’t happen in August, but even during his particular coaching season,
this man wins championship after championship with Powerlifting! In everything he
does, you will find it to be in an immaculate condition, as our recent MDE audit proved.
More than anything, this employee makes time for all students, parents, teachers,
administrators, and community members who need to see him and still goes right back
to his job making sure that all is well for South Pike High School. Even though he has
served for over 20 years at South Pike High School, he has continued to stay sharp and
not minimize what he has to do. He, without question, continues to put in countless
hours and extra days to ensure that all is in place, academically, and that our students
have a fighting chance when they leave this school. They know about colleges,
especially Alcorn, but even Jackson State, because he has that kind of HEART!!! He
makes sure they know about A.C.T. tests, scholarships, applications, communicating
with higher learning institutions, etc. Lastly, this great man makes sure that student
schedules as well as the teachers’ master schedule are well organized so that THE South
Pike High School can function in a smooth, calm, well-oiled machine manner! If you
ask him for anything, he can put his hands on it immediately. I have yet to hear him say,
“I don’t know.” What an awesome testimony!
So, ladies and gentlemen, please join me in honoring our Employee of the Month with
the Golden Apple Award for August 2020…
to South Pike’s own
Counselor Tyrone Varnado