Our Active Shooter Drill will be held on Friday, October 16, 2020. Dear SPHS Parents and Guardians, In an effort to foster the safest environment for all of our students each and every day at South Pike High School, our faculty, staff, and students in conjunction with the Magnolia Police, Magnolia Fire Department, and the Pike County Sheriff Department will participate in a mandatory annual drill. All schools in Mississippi are required to do an Active Shooter Drill in which schools simulate, with the help of first responders, what it could look and sound like in the event of an active shooter in the building
Varsity Basketball Tryouts Varsity Basketball tryouts will be Tuesday, October 13, 2020. Girls Tryouts will begin at 1:30pmBoys tryouts will begin at 4:00pm
Jostens will be on campus Tuesday, 10/13/20 and Wednesday, 10/14/20, to assist seniors with cap and gown ordering. Jostens will be on campus Tuesday, 10/13/20 and Wednesday, 10/14/20, to assist seniors with cap and gown ordering.They will return to South Pike High campus on October 20th(Tuesday)and 21st(Wednesday) to collect orders and funds for cap & gown, and etc.Virtual Senior students a link will be provided for you on 10/13/20 on this same post.
Golden Apple Employee of the Month - September During the month of September 2020, this employee went above and beyond the call of duty to serve here at South Pike High School. This employee worked consistently to help prepare for the start of school during the midst of COVID-19......
Golden Apple Employee of the Month - August During the months of July and August 2020, this employee went above and beyond thecall of duty to serve here at South Pike High School. I saw Mr. Varnado work tirelesslyto prepare for the start of school during the midst of this great change with COVID-19.
South Pike High School 2020 Homecoming Court Freshman Maid - Larayven HuffSophomore Maid - Samiya JacksonJunior Maid - Allexus SmithJunior Maid - Aniyah StandberrySenior Maid - Jada MartinSenior Maid - Johniyah OsbySenior Maid - Bre'Myia CameronSenior Maid - JoLeah LeavyMr. South Pike - Christopher RoyalMiss South Pike - Miranda Matthews